Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dear Legal Writing Professor

You are crushing my soul. Why do we have an assignment due every single class, none of which are for a grade--yet if we don't turn one in, we fail the class? This is not logical.

Perhaps you noticed that on the last assignment I made up answers and cited random statutes and cases instead of doing new research. In the real world I believe this is called "malpractice," so thanks for getting me off to such an ethical start.

However, as I have five other classes that are more interesting, useful, and relevant to my GPA and thus my career prospects, I am sure you understand.
Also, I heard eyebrows are really coming back in this year. Please take note.

Best regards,
Outfit: Dress: NY & Co; Shirt: NY & Co; Patterned tights: Target; Boots: Bandolino


Sheila said...

Awesome outfit!

I had a prof who assigned us an essay which was worth 100% of our grade for the class. It was Comparable Linguistics, comparing various aspects of English and French. When I found this out, I stopped attending class and just wrote the damned essay (a really half-assed job). How stupid.

Monique said...

Cute cute cute. Love the boots! I've seen so many blouse/dress combination dresses, I really like that these are different pieces!