Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday NoFunday

Ugh, getting dejected...I worked so much harder this semester. I did all the reading, had my outlines and review materials done weeks in advance, and actually understood the concepts. And yet the finals this semester seem so much more random...they aren't really testing what we know at all. The torts final today...I had no idea where to start. I ended up writing a ten page opus trying to demonstrate all kinds of tenuous connections, so that the professor could see that I DO understand torts and the complexities of the concepts.

As soon as the final was over everyone started buzzing about the content, and I flew out of there on wings of caffeine and desperation. Someone was talking about how they interwove the rights of fetuses (Doesn't that make more sense as feti? I should have stayed an English major) into the exam, which is insane, because it was about strict liability for a motorcycle accident. Or at least I thought that's what it was about!

And then for Wednesday the two-hour final got expanded into three, and it's closed book and so much memorization that it's going to be horrible between now and then. Horrible as in, I'm dejected and go to the mall instead of trying to memorize what justice wrote what opinion on Constitutional Law.

And I went to the bookstore all confident and ready to be bold and ask out Bookstore Boy, but he wasn't there. That boat probably sailed, which is fine. I'm not in a hurry. Well, except in getting to Friday and freedom. And then my 1L year will be over, finally and ignominiously.

(Also, my problems are not even remotely real. If you're religious, please pray for my beautiful friend Kayleigh over at Fashionably Later. If you're not religious, just think good thoughts for her! She is an amazing wife and mother and woman and I can't imagine what she's going through.)