Friday, May 8, 2009

Post-It Princess

Today was my last law final, and this is the only test that I've ever felt I truly blew. I'm not used to that feeling, but that's what happens when you don't study.

But then I decided to stop worrying about my life choices and looking too far down the road and be Brave! And Sexy! So I went to sell my last book (thanks for that $14, Barnes and Noble! I paid $150!) and gave the Bookstore Boy my number. I walked by and dropped it on his keyboard and didn't even bother looking back, because sexy girls don't look back. But I should have looked back and down, because apparently one of my big yellow "claim preclusion" Post-its was on my ass.

I think that might be a fail, but it's a funny one.


Ally said...

Oh sweet cheeses...that's so funny. OMG.

I can't wait to see what happens. Hell, return your friends books too!

Rachael said...

You're my hero.

Sheila said...

Good for you! And hey, that just makes you more memorable.

Trace said...

Oh God this is too hilarious!!! Love it! You're awesome. Hope you're ready for a wonderful and relaxing summer - you totally deserve it!!