Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lace Lust

I studied almost all day, and had a rather disheartening meeting with my career counselor wherein she informed me that I shouldn't expect to do too well balancing family and life with a law career, because the practice just doesn't lend itself to such. I suppose, as a career counselor, she wants to hear about my dreams to sit on the Supreme Court, not to have sit around the table on a Sunday night with kids. But that's what feminism is about, choosing one or the other or both, and I plan on proving her wrong in grand style.

But then I visited D'rae's site and discovered Polyvore, and so as a nice break I made this outfit:

She and OTG are very good at recreating looks, and I'm inspired to give it a try, as well!
So when finals are over, I'm going to brave the pre-Christmas crowds and try to re-create it in a less expensive fashion. Any suggestions of change to the outfit are welcome! I've been wanting a lace skirt, so I'll use it as a reward to get through the next two weeks with a smile.
So be looking for a similar outfit in a few weeks!


Kayleigh said...

Yes, the outfit is super cute.

I'm disheartened to hear of a career counselor being so negative. Yes, feminism IS about being able to have choices -- ABSOLUTELY.

As a SAHM, I've obviously made a particular choice. But I would never tell another woman what hers should be. Plus, you really can't tell what you will want to do until you are actually in the situation. Many moms I know who wanted to be SAHM's decided to go back to work after all because they weren't as fullfilled as they thought they'd be. Many women I know who planned to go back to work to their careers after 6wks post partum ended up never going back because they fell so deeply in love with their babies and being a SAHM. Not to mention there's alot of stuff in taking more classes, working part time, volunteering or teaching in your field...etc.

I do personally think that when our children are babies/toddlers they need a family member to care for them if at all humanly possible...but why couldn't that be Daddy or a grandparent if that ends up being your situation? Who can tell? That counselor sold you short and I'm glad you are strong-minded enough to take her w/a grain of salt :)

*Diane* said...

That's a cute outfit and is polyvore as addicting as i hear? let me know.
And more power to you for deciding to prove your counselor wrong!

Trace said...

New to your blog, loving it, wanted to say hi!

And you WILL prove you counselor wrong!! We can do anything we set our minds too, with support from our families and friends. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. I think things have evolved a lot in recent years, making work/life balance much more of reality. Some people are still stuck back in the way things used to be though.

Great outfit you put together on Polyvore! Love the lace skirt, I actually saw some really cute ones last night...Macy's I think?

Andrea Eames said...

That seems to be a recurring theme with law school. I have confidence that you'll be able to prove them wrong!